When people in Pennsylvania have children, it often inspires them to create an estate plan if they had neglected the task in the past. However, individuals without children may find it just as important to plan for the distribution of their assets. For people without...
Confident, Creative And In Control
Our Lawyers Weather The Legal Storm So That You Don’t Have To
Month: February 2019
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You can control the health care you will receive in the future
Pennsylvania readers know that the choices they make today can affect their futures. This is especially true in the estate planning process. There are steps you can take to protect your future interests, financial security and much more. Through your estate planning...
Frequent reasons for divorce
There are many different reasons people in Pennsylvania may decide to get a divorce. However, there are reasons for a divorce that are more common than others. Based partly on a study that was conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a list that...