Relocating? Protect Your Time With Your Children.
Whether you are divorced or you were never married to your child’s other parent, you know that it is important to follow the custody agreement. And while modifying the custody agreement is possible, you must get permission from the court first. This is especially true with relocation cases.
If you wish to move away with your children, you must stay within the guidelines of the custody agreement or seek a modification. We don’t recommend that you try to do this on your own. Knowledgeable representation is key in these cases. At Silverman, Tokarsky & Forman, L.L.C, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience you need to protect your rights to your child. Whether you are the parent seeking or contesting the relocation, we will fight to protect your time with your children.
Issues To Consider If You Want To Relocate
In general terms, Pennsylvania law defines relocation with a minor child as when a parent moves somewhere that causes “significant impairment” to the other parent’s custodial rights. This means the other parent may not be able to spend as much time with the child due to the move. In addition, anyone with third-party custodial rights to the child must consent to the relocation.
If you want to move outside of the area the court considers acceptable in your case, you need to follow the rules for relocating. If you do not, a judge may use this against you in the relocation case and in deciding if the custody agreement should be modified. You may also face fines and other penalties.
The rules for relocating with a child are strict, and it is best that you consult with a lawyer before you move. You do not want to damage your case by ignoring or misinterpreting the law.
It Is Time To Find The Answers You Need
We have offices in Johnstown, Somerset and Windber. Please call us at 814-792-2412 to schedule an appointment. You may also contact us online, and we will reply to you promptly.