In the digital age, infidelity has become especially prevalent, and this can be problematic for those who are dating as well as couples who have been married for many years. The consequences of an affair can be wide-reaching, and they may create more problems than...
Confident, Creative And In Control
Our Lawyers Weather The Legal Storm So That You Don’t Have To
Month: July 2019
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Can we split Social Security benefits after a divorce?
In a typical Pennsylvania divorce case, you and your former spouse would speak on splitting the assets. This involves property and wealth. One of the unique challenges in a silver divorce, however, is Social Security and retirement benefits. Social security provides...
Is social media contributing to divorce?
Social media may prove beneficial for keeping far-flung families in touch, but does the ease in making connections with others make it easier to walk away from a marriage? Divorce in Pennsylvania is rising, particularly in the older population. The number of retirees...