The summer months are almost here again, and at the law office of , we know that this can mean an increase in drunk driving arrests. It is important that you and other Pennsylvania residents understand the prevalence of drunk driving for...
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Month: May 2019
Consider tax law changes before agreeing to a divorce settlement
You may have certain expectations for your divorce negotiations that include tactics for minimizing the tax consequences of your settlement. However, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that went into effect on Jan. 1 has changed the landscape of alimony discussions and may...
What are the penalties for your first DUI conviction?
Drinking and driving may lead to a car accident and serious injuries. Even if you avoid an accident while driving under the influence, there are still significant potential consequences under Pennsylvania law. The state's tiered approach to DUI charges means that...
Why should I update my estate plan?
Having a solid estate plan in place is a must, no matter your age or how many assets you have in your possession. It is equally important to update wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents on a regular basis. Kiplinger explains when you should revisit your...