When Pennsylvania parents are getting a divorce and cannot reach an agreement about child custody and visitation, they might have to take the matter to court. A judge makes a decision about child custody based on the best interests of the child. This involves taking a...
Confident, Creative And In Control
Our Lawyers Weather The Legal Storm So That You Don’t Have To
Month: January 2019
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Is divorce more likely when one partner is prettier?
When people in Pennsylvania get on a dating site, the physical attractiveness of the people they connect with may be one of the most important factors bringing people together. According to research, people are likely to contact others considered up to 25 percent more...
Are you heading toward a divorce this season?
Going through a breakup in your marriage can be hard. Even if you know that you are looking to divorce, it can be tough to know when the right time is. Could it be possible that the time of your divorce filing is predetermined? A Washington state study has shown that...